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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  August 4, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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rights supporters from outside the course house to the castro. some people eager to wed lined up at city hall. at this point we have live team coverage including reaction. we begin with ktvu's david stevenson. david? >> reporter: julie, this is another court milestone in the battle over same-sex marriage. some say they expect this to go on at least two more years. there were hugs and cheers on it side the federal court house earlier this afternoon as same- sex marriage supporters learned a judge had ruled it unconstitutional. >> it is great that this happens in san francisco, that the proposition is overturned by a federal judge in san francisco. it really means a lot because san francisco has always been there fighting for gay and lesbian individuals. >> is legal team for protect, the main backers of proposition 8, had harsh words for the judge.
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>> he is taking a couple words out of the constitution and morphing it into saying that race is the same and sexual choices. no, it isn't. >> reporter: the case is expected to be appealed all the way to the u.s. supreme court over the next comment of years. legal analysts say recent press kent may support same-sex marriage. >> there have been two cases before the united states supreme court in the last generation dealing with sexual orientation. both of them 5-4, both of them with justice anthony kennedy saying "you cannot discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation." >> reporter: now a number of excited couples hoped this afternoon's ruling might herald the resumption of same-sex marriages here in san francisco. paul chambers joins us now with that story. paul? >> reporter: david, many couples that would like to get married that are same-sex came to san francisco city hall, extremely happy, elated that the judge's ruling made them
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one step closer to being legally married in california. >> i think that it's great. i think it's good that anybody who loves each other should be able to be with each other and i think that a family is a family no matter if it's same- sex or not. >> this young girl's parents are a same-sex couple and like many others her family came to san francisco city hall today hoping to get a marriage license. but they were denied for now because the judge also imposed a temporary stay preventing counties from issuing a same- sex marriage license. >> i've so far instructed the staff of the county clerk's office to not take any applications yet for marriage licenses so -- because we're working under that order from the federal court. >> we woke up really early this morning and i said "you better get ready, today is the day, this could be the day." >> reporter: today was the day for this couple who were already planning to get married in four days. in the past they tried to get a marriage license, they were
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told no again today, but they didn't mind this time. >> it's not a total disappointment that we can't get marriage license right now but the fact that the judge recognizes equal rights, that's more than enough for us. >> reporter: the couple still went ahead with the ceremony although it's not the real thing and it will not be recognized by law. they are happy that today's ruling puts them one step closer to being legally married under the law. accord to go the san francisco clerk there will be a hearing to skyed when that stay will be lifted and people can legally marry here in our state. paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. >> rallies are underway right now in dozens of cities across the state as gay rights supporters celebrate the victory and we continue our coverage with ktvu's rod roth who is live in the castro where emotions are unking high. rob? >> reporter: here hundreds of people just finished singing "celebration time, come on," that describes the mood here.
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after a brief rally they are getting ready to march to city hall for another rally. there are a lot of happy people here in the castro district. as word spread to the castro district of the judge's decision many people were overjoyed. one same-sex couple who already had a commitment ceremony say they can take their relationship one step further. >> now that it's legal we can get officially married. we've got rings but we couldn't legally get married but we're thinking about it now. >> i feel fantastic. it was a very great decision, i thought it was wonderful. when i heard i heard just now on the corner of the street it was great, you know. i got a wave of euphoria right over my head. >> reporter: the tv news broke in over the historic decision dozens of people were having lunch in harvey's. >> i'm ecstatic. >> reporter: mayor gavin new son says he believes it is so strong the u.s. supreme court will uphold it.
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>> it is high clear upping is that it was important to get a solid decision out. not just a support, but the arguments that were made were validated. . >> reporter: and we're back live at market in castro where people are getting ready to march to city hall. a party is planned for the castro later here this evening, people hearsay the legal fight goes on but this is a happy day. now we go to reporter robert handa in san jose for reaction there. robert? >> reporter: we are here at a noisy billy defrank ltbgen community center where as you can see and hear people have joined to celebrate the ruling and it is a party expected to go on for quite some period of time. they voted against proposition 8 so there are a lot of city and county officials joining in the celebration. >> with the judge's ruling today i think we're going to have equality for everybody.
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it's joyous. >> rim knee not everybody new it was going to come down for us or not. we're celebrating, otherwise it was going to be a rally, everyone was going to get fired up and march down to city hall. >> we're ready, we're going to redeploy staff in case we have a lot of people coming to get licenses. we -- our forms are ready, it's been ready for a long time now, so it's a gender-neutral form. >> reporter: and back live at the celebration here at the billy defrank lgbt community center and as you heard that stay on marriages has put using those forms on hold which, at this point as it was in san francisco, it's about the only negative in what is a very positive mood. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. >> in contrast to those celebrations prop 8 supporters reacted with disappointment to the legal decision today. they say the fight over same-
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sex marriage is far from over. >> we're obviously disappointed as well as the 7 million california voters who just had their decision overturned by a federal judge. >> a small group of prop 8 supporters gathered outside the courthouse in san francisco. they argue that same-sex marriage damages the institution of heterosexual marriage because gay couples cannot pro create. some of those opposed to the ruling say they felt judge walker had made up his mind before evidence in the case began. citing several published reports that walker himself is gay. >> our expectations are that the homosexual judge will overturn the voting of the people. >> i've had had to come down here a couple times now to defend my vote and to have that counted. >> prop 8 which was backed by the mormon church and other religious and conservative
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groups was passed in 2008 with 52% of voter support. the case is known perry versus southward negrelier and late this afternoon governor schwarzenegger issued what some might consider a preissing reaction. the governor relaced a statement saying "for the hundreds and thousands of californians in the gay and lesbian households managing their life this affords the firm legal pro particularses and safeguards i believe everyone deserves," the governor goes on to say this is by no means california's first milestone nor their last on america's road to equality and freedom for all people. stay tuned to ktvu for continuing coverage of the proposition 8 decision. we have a special section on our web site where you can read the judge's ruling in its entirety and find out more about what is next in the fight over same-sex marriage. will he or won't he? today mayor ron dellums announced whether he will seek
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a second term. taxi cabs, san francisco, getting a me departmentallan to operate one is like winning the lotty. >> i'm tracking the fog into your neighborhood. i'll tv forecast. san francisco may lead the way once again. the proposed tax on alcohol and what the money would be used for. what this droid does will change how you do movies. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.
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. on wall street today stocks closed higher. it was due in part to a positive jobs report from adp. at the close the dow was up 44 points to 10680. the nasdaq gained 20 points, 2303. oakland mayor ron dellums announced late this afternoon he will not seek reelects to a second term.
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the 75-year-old mayor said "it is now time to pass the baton to a new generation of leadership. i have been profoundly moved by the extraordinary opportunity to serve as mayor of oakland. it has been a deep honor and privilege." dellums also served as congressman for more than 25 years. he took office in 2007. his term as mayor expires in january. today san jose firefighters met with city officials to find a way to restore the jobs of 49 laid-off firefighters. the city's chief of employee relations laid out the city's terms for any agreement. he says firefighters would need to accept a salary reduction of 8.9%. this represents $10.6 million in savings. the city also wants rank and file members to approve any agreement. the union called today's meeting a step in the right direction. san francisco district attorney cam le harris announced the arrest of two men wanted in the widespread property fraud.
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jimmy gong and his partner face 243 felony counts including forging documents to 100 properties scattered across the city. the pair of civil engineers filed false documents with the city's department of building inspection and did illegal remodeling work on dozens of buildings including a city landmark. the 87-year-old alexandria theater. >> these defendants purported to be licensed and purported to be licensed to approve property lines, surveys, permits, pickings, and they were not licensed to do that work. >> harris says jen is a flight ray and is asking for $50 million bale and $2 million bail for phoning, the pair is due in court on friday. after years of wasting it is about to get easier for some taxi drivers in san francisco to do business. supporters say a new pilot program will not only benefit cab bees, it will also help the
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city raise money. sal cas take ned a joins us, he is there with details. sal? >> getting a cab in san francisco and getting a medallion have both been notoriously hard. today the city put more medallions up for sale while helping older cab drivers in the process. today the city announced what many thought would never happen. >> for the first time in 33 years the san francisco taxi medallion is being transferred by purchase and sale. >> reporter: a taxi medallion is what every cab driver needs to legally operate. the waiting list to get one is long and the medallions are subject to a $250,000 transfer feed. some have waited 15 years to get one. until now the city had prohibited drivers from selling their medallions, cab drivers who wanted to retire had no way of cashing in. so some just kept driving which many say was unsafe. >> and old driver tried to press the brake pedal and because he is too old he pressed on the gas pedal.
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the people that can't drive, they should not be forced to drive. >> reporter: he is a cab driver in san francisco. he says he is happy with the pilot program and hopes it becomes permanent. ahmad is a do you we was all is a cab driver who didn't have his own medallion until now. >> i have been wait for a long time and i'm happy i've received this medallion. >> the tee hopes to make a healthy profit on the transfer of these medallions. remember, $250,000 to get one, they look to take 15%. hopefully it will help that bottom line, the city's bottom line, that's what city officials say. live in san francisco, sal cas take ned a, channel 2 news. san francisco supervisors began discussing the first steps to approve what would be the first city fee on alcoholic drinks anywhere in the united states. supporters of the fee rallied outside city hall today. they say the $17 million that would be raised annually would pay for alcohol related services like paramedics.
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>> it's really about getting some cost recovery for the over -- the impacts of the overconsumption of alcohol. >> if supervisors approve the fee it could add 50 krentz per bar drink. it faces steep opposition from bar owners who say it will drive customer out of the city. all right. now for the latest on the forecast we have to check in with bill because that fog is hanging around on the coast isn't it bill. >> more than usual julie. cool summer weather, continues, fog this morning and a bit more tomorrow morning. i'll go outside and show you the current fog shot. you can see what is happening, it is getting stuck on the coastal hills. here is the san brown oh gap is right about here and you can see the fog shooting across there. that's a low-hockey game area, the san brown oh gap. that's one of the reasons winds get so strong coming down towards san francisco airport because the wind rushes through here. there is the gaps, we're going to allow fog to push into your
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neighborhood tonight. here is the forecast. we've got a lot of fog extended, more cooling, more mild weather if you will. the forecast for fog in the morning, there it is. taking the kids to swim practice or soccer practice or whatever, heading to work, be barreling jackets, hoodies in the morning because temperatures were in the mid- 50s, it's not that warm each in the inland bay valleys. we have talked about it night after night after night after night. this mild pattern stays as long as this low pressure center stays to the north of us. it's been nice, we've got heat, we're not seeing it because the inversion has been grown up and the cool air is allowed to come right in here. see it? the cool air. the warmer, the higher temperatures are in the inland bay valleys as you would expect but you wouldn't expect this much green that far east. i'd expect the green right along the coast, more oranges in concord and livermore, your 80s, even reds with '09s so cool with average. overnight lows, cool, cool when you wake up tomorrow morning in mountain view. 55 degrees, 64 degrees at
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lunchtime, good air quality. the fire danger isn't the big story. but this pattern is certainly persistent isn't it. the forecast highs tomorrow 83 in clear lake because you're up out of the inversion, 68 in no vlad oh, 67 in richmond, 76, those should be 80s and 90s, you would expect that, no, mid- 70s, so another cool day, cooler tomorrow than it was today. we're going to come up a little bit. you'll see that in the five-day forecast. all of these changes are subject many, that's all i can tell you. i guess the upshot is bless water usage, less utility usage, to air condition holmes, but as julie pointed out each night it is a consistent continuous deal. >> i can imagine all those tourists going to san francisco. >> buying a lot of sweatshirts. >> a good angle. >> yoo. sweatshirts instead of the t- shirts. bp says it may be on the verge of permanently plugging
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the nightmare oil spill in the gulf of mexico. they said for the first time it was able to force mudd down the well to its source in what is called a static kill. national incident commander thad allen has approved the next step, pumping in cement, to seal the well for good tomorrow. work on the relief bella also continue and the federal government all righted today only about 25% of the spilled oil remains in the gulf and is degrading quickly. the state's office of inspector general is considering joining the investigation into a deadly prison-yard attack at san quentin last week. edward shaffer, a repeat drunk driver convicted of killing a 9- year-old novado girl in a motorcycle crash was stabbed repeatedly by another inmate. there are questions about why shaffer wasn't in protective custody. criminals whose victims include children are generally believed to be at a greater ray of attack by other inmates. state prison officials are now touting new parole policies as biggest reform in history of
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the state prison system. the changes include reducing the parolees per parole agent. and greater use of gps to track gang and sex offenders. >> gps will also enable us to impose zones which enable an agent to be alerted in circumstances when one of those gang members enters an area he is prohibited from entering or does not comply with our curfew restrictions. >> most of the new policies are being tested in sonoma, los angeles, san bernadino and concern county. they'll likely be ruled out state-wide in the near you the fewer. they are sorting out a case in the report of a man possibly making explosives led to the evacuation of his neighborhoods. one of his neighbors took this amateur video of the man. police reviewed the video yesterday and called in the s.w.a.t. team and the bomb squad. the man was arrested on unrelated charges. officers say what he was making was not a bomb but they did not say what it was. the man's brother says it was
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all a misunderstanding. for . >> he didn't mean anything at all, sometime i think he got stress too much. >> more than 20 people were forced out of their holmes for several hours as a result of that incident. 8 players past and present and even some ktvu reporters and anchors gave the scoop today on this event that is all for a good cause.
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. beer is usually popular at baseball games but at the coliseum a different kind of beer took center stage. the oakland a's held than annual root beer float day, included heather holmes, john williams, john sasaki and fred english. it benefits the juvenile diabetes research foundation. right after that the a's took the field and played the game. how did they do. >> victoriously. two out of three against kansas city. the a's still thinking they have a shot, be it a long shot in the west division of the american league. taking on one of the real outside shots. kansas city kevin kouzmanoff
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braking autopsy 2-2 tie with a shot to dealership left center, daric barton will score. kurt suzuki beating the throw to the plate. the a's taking a 4-the lead. just safe, michael wuertz comes into close down the side. they win it 4-3. in the mile high city not so good for the giants, cooled off a little bit by the rockies. carlos gone, who used to play for the a's off of madison baumgartner shot deep. gonzalez not finished in, the sixth a solo shot, troy pool witt ski from down in sonning dale a solo shot, the rockies win 6-3. history today made by none other than yankee third baseman alexander rodriguez, the youngest man ever to hit 600 homers in the mayer leagues, a- rod connected off toronto's shaun marcum in the first
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inning and a-rod the seventh player to to accomplish accomplish feet of going 600 and over. he has a good shot at catching barry bonds for the greatest all-time ever. and i guess this isn't a real big surprise, a day after reports saying brett favre is going to retire the future hall of famer says he is not quite done. he told reporters today that he plans to play in 2010 if he is healthy enough. favre will vitt dr. james andrews next week for an evaluation on his surgically repaired ankle. he hurt it in a game last year. favre in his 19 years has never missed a start so health obviously very important to him. that's the sporting line for right now. of course the giants a game and a half out of first place looking to see what the dodgers and padres do tonight. we'll have it at 10:00. >> so he might play, then depend he might not play. >> that's pretty much his deal isn't it.
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>> yoo. >> i'll believe it if christmas day he is not playing. >> like the environmenter adviser bumpy, he keeps going. >> thank you. >> thank you mark. same-sex marriage supporters are converging in san francisco. on tv 36 continuing coverage of today's landmark legal decision. people started gathering about an hour ago in the castro district for a march to city hall. we'll have a live update in 30 minutes on tv 36. that's our report. i'm frank somerville. >> i'm julie haener,. >> for everyone here thanks for joining us. good night. >> good night.
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